Rumiko Takahashi, Mitsuru Adachi Collaborate on Manga This year's 15th issue of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine has announced on Tuesday that two of the magazine's biggest creators, Rumiko Takahashi and Mitsuru Adachi , will collaborate on a new manga called " My Sweet Sunday" in the next issue on March 18. The 30-page one-shot manga will help commemorate the 50th anniversary of the magazine, which is on March 17. Rumiko Takahashi created Ranma 1/2 , Inuyasha , Maison Ikkoku , and numerous other series, and the magazine had announced that she will launch a new manga this spring. Viz Media will publish this new manga in North America before the end of the year, as it has with most of Takahashi's manga. Adachi, a creator best known for his baseball titles Touch , H2 , and Cross Game , will start a new manga series in the Monthly Shonen Sunday spinoff magazine's inaugural issue on May 12. Cross Game is being adapted i...
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