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Showing posts from June 15, 2008

El video de "los diablitos"

No, no es vallenato. "Enseñame a bajar tu cremallera, ya sabes donde voy..." Jajaja. Te adoro. Demasiada ingenuidad e inocencia. Pagaria por verte sentada viendo ese video, concentrada en la tv cantando la canción del video de "los diablitos" ^^ Tkmsssss.....

Itsumo Misora Project & more Keane

I know that most of you don't mind the Keane subject of the post, so let's go straight to Itsumo Misora news. A new and full of energy group has started to translate and release Itsumo Misora from chapter 26, This group is called DRAT (Desultory Random Access Team). I could post links for those chapters but first I have to ask if they are ok with it, and second, my fucking internet provider company [Emcali, yea those moderfokers ] doesnt want to fix my internet connection, so I only have 1 or 2 hours of internet per day. So if you realy want me to upload those files comment ! and also if you want me to upload the chapters before 26 (By Adachi-Universe) comment about it, too ^^. The IRC address is: And now, what 1% from ppl who read this blog was waitning for, Keane' s Bad Dream Keane - Bad dream Why do I have to fly? Over every town up and down the line? I'll die in the clouds above And you that I defend, I had do not love I wake up, it's...