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Showing posts from February 24, 2008

Touch c232 is out!

Yea! As you can see (and download): the direct link of The last Touch Chapter: 232 . We are near the end so stay in Touch. What a bad joke! XP Sorry for that, I'm a little tired and stressed out but It's ok, It's been a good long week ZZZ ZZZZ zzz zzzzz zzzz ..... Anyway... Touch c232 is ready to be downloaded here: Tnx to adachi-manga staff, specially: Digit, Magicbulletgirl, Xel and kuroshiro . En español, seré breve: Ya esta listo para la descarga en DD Touch c232. Gracias al staff del chan. Bye Bebecito---> luv ya! Ke1-kun

IRATE gamer

For those who doesnt know this youtube-channel , let me tell you this is one of the most entertaining, funny and freaky shows on youtube. If you lived in the of 80's and 90's you should watch this guy. If you still save your 2600, your old NES or your family as a real treasure, you must watch this...

Empezando con el pie derecho

Bien, saludos a todos los adachi's manga fans . La primera entrada de este blog es para informar que Touch capitulo 231 ya está listo. Así q a descargar!!!! Iniciar así mi blog es placentero dado que mis aportes ultimamente en el canal han sido cercanos a cero , pero es cuestión de esperar, buenos tiempos con buenos mangas nos esperan . Tambien quisiera decir que mi blog, por ahora, está al servicio de Adachi-Manga. Luego pensare el motivo final de este blog. Ahora sin mas preámbulos vacíos y sin sentido, el link en DD para leechear. C'ya Well, greetings to all a dachi's manga fans . My first post on this blog is to say that Touch c231 is out ! So let 's leech . The link is on DD. Enjoy it!! Ciao Touch c231: ke1-kun V ISITANOS / VISIT US : #Adachi-Manga @ irc.irchighway. net