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Showing posts from 2008

Joy Ride: BItsumo Misora c46!!!!!!!!

After my 24 hrs shift, only wanna upload the lastest Itsumo Misora chapter by DRAT, thank to their staff: nodamen, conner, madsol and everyone else.... and share with you The Killers' Joy Ride Hope you enjoy it... Its fine I M c46 here: "big sis and long haired bro" Dont forget it: Visit them, say hello, thank for the chapter, comment about it: http://

Itsumo Misora c45 by DRAT

Hello I just woke up after 12 hours of sleeping, and I just found this on irc: Itsumo Misora c45 by DRAT And I thought "I should share it on my blog" and here it is The last IM chapter released by DRAT Say hello to then visiting the on I'll go to sleep some more.. I almost forgot: Meris : yea, you can help us, if you use photoshop then it's gonna be easier, just tell me if you are willing to learn how to edit and ill send you some tips, like a short editing - tutorial and then you will be able to help us, believe me, once you manage photoshop the rest is almost nothing Rapid Manga , you are invited too, I havent received news from you. Any info please tell me Ok, now im leaving bye!

the link!

I just realized that i didnt post the link for Itsumo Misora  v05 c44, sorry for taht, but nobody told me about it. Here it is: IM v05 c44 Say hello to drat staff visiting their forum: Have fun pd: chrome doesn show fine the videos embeded, rite?

I'll lend you my power & Losing Touch

Hello guys!!!!!! Wow, these past 3 days have been tiresome and busy. I hope not everyday as an intern to be like this. But no matter how much I have to work and study I cant forget this blog. As a proof of that, today I have two gifts for you: - Itsumo Misora c44 was released by DRAT Misora is getting more interesting every chapter, but today's is it even more. Thank you a lot DRAT guys, adachi-fans like me realy realy thank your work and effort!!! - The Killers' Losing Touch Another amazing song by The Killers . This song is part of Day & Age , their new album that will be released in just 3 days !!! Well, that's all, I know you will like Misora; it could be a bit fast but its staring to make sense. By the way, Rapid Manga : I have no problem you posting Itsumo Misora links on your own blog, but I think you shouldn't ask me, but DRAT staff. About the editing staff, mmh, the last chapter done by MD was 15, we planned to start from 16, tell me if you need more info....

I'm back

After a lot of resting, sleeping, eating, and some drinking (with hangovers included)........I'm back!!! ABCB-PUB is back to bring to you all the news and Adachi's manga To celebrate, today I'm gonna post links for these Itsumo Misora chapters: c38 (The one I forgot), c39 (again), c40, c41, c42 & c43 Again: Thanks to DRAT staff, nodamen & co are doing a great work........God bless you guys for giving us our personal Adachi Mitsuru's manga dosage, lol I hope you like it! Remember visiting DRAT: #DRAT@ About Slow Step...well, the project is slow, at the moment on Adachi-Manga we have no editors... >.>?____ so too much experience is not needed and it won't take too much time Finaly I wanna thank to 3 or 4 people who read this blog and tell them that I'm waiting for their comments. By the way, in 4 days I start my last medicine year......... Yay! Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here the links: Itsumo Misora c38 ...

Im alive

Just to remember that I'm alive and that adachi-manga will be back soon soon as my vacations ends...... cya

.....SLOW STEP.....

It's been a while...I've been very busy and tired, but I haven't forgotten our current project. And today, as a proof, I bring to you the first 15 chapters of this funny and hilarous manga story, of course by this great mangaka like Mitsuru Adachi is. Must thank to Manga Download who started this work and did a great job. Visit them at Now.... Enjoy the leeching.... Volume 01

Itsumo Misora v04 c35 by DRAT & You can't do that

hehehe Thanks a lot to DRAT staff, great quality. Go to their channel and comment about Itsumo Misora: btw, I'M LOOKING FOR AN EDITOR FOR AN ADACHI'S MANGA , DOESNT HAVE TO BE EXPERIENCED...any info contact me, or ask about it on Finally: The beatles' " You can't do that "

Itsumo Misora v04 c34 by DRAT

Beijin 2008... Gotta go to see hot chicks in shorts (real short shorts) playing volleyball :) So, Itsumo Misora c34 is out and you can download it here: You also can visit DRAT's irc channel and get it and comment about it and thank to DRAT's staff C'ya

It's a Rumic World

^_^ Nunca lo imaginé, una nueva pelicula de Ranma 1/2 Rumiko, eres la mejor!!! El 31/Julio/08 se inaguro la exibicion de las obras de la gran Rumiko Takahashi bajo el nombre It's a Rumic World donde se esperaba el anuncio de un nuevo corto animado de Inuyasha: " Kuroi Tessaiga " (Tessaiga negra). En vez de eso, se anuncio un nuevo corto de Ranma 1/2: " Akumu! Shunmink ô! " (Nightmare! Insense of spring sleep) . Además se mostro un corto con un crossover q incluyó agunos personajes de series de esta gran mangaka: Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2 e Inuyasha Espero q lo disfruten, esta subtitulado al español... es muy divertido ^^ x cierto, cuando Kagome dice "Calle 26" deberia decir "Es un descendiente de Miroku-sama" Disfrutenlo......

Carnaval toda la vida & Matador

Los Fabulosos Cadillac: 1- Carnaval toda la vida. 2- Matador Imagenes vuelven a mis ojos... Solo posteo la letra de la primera pq es la q más me gusta. XP Por qué será que todos guardan algo cosas tan duras que nadie puede decir y van todos caminando como en una procesión de gente muda que no tiene corazón. Por qué será que me gusta la noche, porque todo el que queda es un padre para mí que se anima a decir todo y que te enseña a vivir lo que millones no se animan a decir. Que se anima a decir todo y que te enseña a vivir lo que millones no se animan a decir. Que se te va pasando el tiempo mujer y que la vida se te va solo te pido que te vuelvas de verdad y que el silencio se convierta en carnaval. (Bis) Por qué será que te mordés la lengua es el miedo que se para frente a vos si te ahorca la memoria no te dejes arrastrar vamos afuera que mis amigos se van. Por qué será que te quedas adentro mujer no te quedes que acá afuera es carnaval carnaval toda la vida y una noche junto a vos si ...

When I woke up

Last year vacation were awesome. I miss them...x_x... I used to woke up like 10 am...(sigh)... When I woke up, my sister was always watching Hamtaro ...and the ending song was played right after I got up from bed. I dont know if it's cuz of that or what but I always remember my little sister (and my parents' house) when i hear that song. It makes me happy :) Hamtaro Spanish Ending Dandy, Penélope, Siestín, Pashmina, Panda, Gran Jefe, diversión dyDan, pePélone, tinSiés, minaPash, feJe, Gran daPan, Hamtaro Hámster, Ham-Ham, tiki-tiki, kushi, semillas, kromp-kromp, Hamtaro Ya ya ya ya ya, oh la la la Ya ya ya ya, oh la la Ya ya ya ya ya, oh la la la Ya ya ya ya, oh la la ya Canta y verás, oh, que lo lograrás Cuando lo deseas de verdad Tienes que dar lo mejor, oh, entrégate en tu labor Y llegarás hasta el Sol Esta canción secreta es especial Mucha suerte te traerá Todos los Ham-Hams te ayudarán Solamente tienes que cantar Dandy, Penélope, Siestín, Pashmina, Panda, Gran Jefe, div...

Itsumo Misora v04 c32 by DRAT

As fast as I can.... Itsumo Misora c32 has been released. Thanx to DRAT staff Great job againg guys!!! Gotta go to church and Im late...... see ya....

Itsumo Misora v04 c31 by DRAT

Hello everyone. Itsumo Misora c31 has been DRAT Visit them: Greetings to: Tew, Mangafly, Madsol, Conner, and beautiful nodamen-hime :) In general: Tnx DRAT, Itsumo Misora is in a great quality!!! Later!

Adios Ronaldinho

Siempre seras recordado como el mejor. Dinho, en el barça te extrañaremos. Jogo bonito!!! La magia . Aplausos!!! Fuera de este mundo!!! Alegria & ilusion!!! Mejor temporada 05-06 Goodbye Dinho!!! Gracias por ser tu! GRACIAS POR TU MAGIA, TUS SONRISAS, TUS GOLES, TU ALEGRIA, GRACIAS POR TODO. SIEMPRE FUISTE EL FC BARÇA TU Y SOLO TU. DIOS TE BENDIGA

Itsumo Misora (Always Beautiful Sky)

Hello! Long time no write a word. I've been busy, and tired. But here I am again. To day I bring to all leechers Itsumo Misora, a great Adachi Mituru's manga. Very funny and entertaining , hope you like it. A little summary: "A quirky but fun series, Itsumo Misora e xplores the lives of six kids and how they are brought together by fate and the appearance of unusual powers. It contains everything Adachi is synonymous with: humor, sports, tangled lives, strange situations, and love triangles..." (Took from Baka-Updates Manga) It was short. Anyway, I decided to host the first chapters, translated by Adachi's Universe and I already have the permission of DRAT to host their new releases. Itsumo Misora Volume 01 (c01 - c09 by Adachi's Universe)

El video de "los diablitos"

No, no es vallenato. "Enseñame a bajar tu cremallera, ya sabes donde voy..." Jajaja. Te adoro. Demasiada ingenuidad e inocencia. Pagaria por verte sentada viendo ese video, concentrada en la tv cantando la canción del video de "los diablitos" ^^ Tkmsssss.....

Itsumo Misora Project & more Keane

I know that most of you don't mind the Keane subject of the post, so let's go straight to Itsumo Misora news. A new and full of energy group has started to translate and release Itsumo Misora from chapter 26, This group is called DRAT (Desultory Random Access Team). I could post links for those chapters but first I have to ask if they are ok with it, and second, my fucking internet provider company [Emcali, yea those moderfokers ] doesnt want to fix my internet connection, so I only have 1 or 2 hours of internet per day. So if you realy want me to upload those files comment ! and also if you want me to upload the chapters before 26 (By Adachi-Universe) comment about it, too ^^. The IRC address is: And now, what 1% from ppl who read this blog was waitning for, Keane' s Bad Dream Keane - Bad dream Why do I have to fly? Over every town up and down the line? I'll die in the clouds above And you that I defend, I had do not love I wake up, it's...

Done!!! And afterwards, a second helping.

I'm a bit sick, I dunno what's going on with my body, I'm getting sick way too often. And that's the reason I couldn't release these chapters earlier, but I'm gathering energy out of nowhere cuz I'm glad to say that finaly we have reached the end. The last 6 (almost 7) years have been wonderful, thanks Touch! with you I went from my old 56k dialup internet conection to my currently 1Mb, I learned using IRC, I was on internet day and night, knowing more manga, more anime, I knew Adachi Mitsuru's work. My life wouldn't be the same without Touch, I gotta say. Thanks again, and with tears in my eyes, here for you the last 11 Touch chapter. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. Special tnx to ALL, but ALL the ADACHI-MANGA staff, believe me guys, You have made my life happier. Also tnx to BSX, without him this wouldnt have been possible. Digit, who brougt this project back to life after a year almost dead. Also tnx to Manga-Project, they sowed the seed....

School Rumble Sangakki

School Rumble Sangakki, the third season of this funny anime series will be released soon. The first OAV will be out on July 17 and the second one on September 17. Meanwhile here a Trailer: School Rumble Sangakki, la tercera temporada del anime será lanzada pronto. La primer OVA saldrá 17 de Julio y la secunda el 17 de septiembre. Mientras tanto les dejo un Trailer PS: Soon a Shocking Release of Touch, leave some comments maybe I release it sooner.

No hubiera podido dormir sin esa Traducción

"Hay ciertas cosas... que si lo quitan de uno... uno deja de ser uno" Es verdad Pamue. Muchas personas q me conocen, conocen mi afición por el anime , ademas de mis intentos por " otakizar " el mundo. En una noche como cualquiera, algo de frío, mi mente no dejo de pensar en Openings & Endings de las series q me convirtieron en este particular Uno . Es por esta razón q he decidido empezar a postear videos de Openings, Endings y OST's en general. Y quiero empezar con una canción de Blue Seed , en el capitulo 8 de la serie, interpretada por Megumi Hayashibara , la canción se llama Hoshi wo tobikoete - Jumping up to the Stars - Espero q la disfruten. Lot of people know about me and how much I like anime , beside my efforts to turn the world into otaku . In this cold common nite, I wanna remember those anime series that turned me in what I am . That is why since today I will post Openings, Endings and OST of anime. Today I wanna begin this with a song from ...


A bit late in the nite A bit late to go to bed A bit late on the date A bit late on the time I just don't want to let it pass so lightly Bebe, all this time with you has been the most 9'939.200 beautiful seconds, 832.320 lovely minutes, 13.872 wonderful hours, 578 charmingly days, 19 fantastic months and 1,5833333333 happiest years ke1

T245: She's Giving Fanservice

A bit sick, with headache, some fever and stomachace (Damn chicken & rice!) here Adachi-Manga brings to you a new release: Iced Coffee . Every chapter closer to the end! And again: MILLO (Contest winner) Contact me either here or on Again: tnx to A-M staff! and comment! Enjoy it.

And the Winner is....

We have a winner, the only person who answered the Touch c244 Contest XP: Millo , You won. He answered the Question about what Auf Achse is AND corrected my typing: I had typed Auf Asche insted of Auf Achse. The answer was this: It is "Auf Achse" and not "Auf Asche". The direct translation would be "On axle" but it means "On the move" and is the name of a german tv series. /tt0076980/ Btw.: Auf Asche means "On Ash". So, What did Millo win? Its a surprise: Millo you gotta give me your email , so you will get nicely surprises from Adachi-Manga . Remeber visiting: See you Space Cowboy...

If only

I wish... anyway, past is past FORÇA BARÇA Barça 6 - 0 Valencia What a game Henry, Messi, Eto'o, Deco, Xavi, Bojan, Gudjonsen, everybody. Ronaldinho, We miss you.

Judy & Mary - Sobakasu

Ohh, yea comrades! Here it is, my personal dosage of J~music. Today another classic, I feel like it. Enjoy "Old times were always better" Daikirai datta sobakasu wo chotto Hitonadeshite tame iki wo hitotsu Hebi ikkyuu no koi wa migoto ni Kakuzatou to isshoni toketa Mae yori mo motto yaseta mune ni chotto "Chiku" tto sasaru toge ga itai Hoshiuranai mo ate ni naranai wa Motto touku made isshoni yuketara nee Ureshikute sore dakede Omoi de wa itsumo kirei dakedo Sore dake ja onaka ga suku wa Honto wa setsunai yoru nanoni Doushite kashira? Ano hito no egao mo omoi dasenai no Kowashite naoshite wakatteru noni Sore ga atashi no seikaku dakara Modokashii kimochi de ayafuya no mama de Soredemo ii koi wo shitekita Omoikiri aketa hidari mimi no piasu ni wa nee Waraenai episoudo Sobakasu no kazu wo kazoetemiru Yogoretanui gurumi daite Mune wo sasu toge wa kienai kedo Kaeru-chan mo usagi-chan mo Waratte kureru no Omoi de wa itsumo kirei dakedo Sore dake ja onaka ga suku no Honto...

Together since Childhood

Yea, almost nobody posted comments. Ppl doesn't read this blog and only visit it to download Touch manga. I already know, but I was bored, I needed something to relax a bit. Anyway here is what you want, without tnx (only a couple), without greetings or any kind of nice comments, we give you the lastest Touch Chapter c244. But if you dont stop by #Adachi-Manga on irchighway or post greetings or thanks here, I wont intercede again with Adachi-Manga staff so you could chapters sooner.

Auf Achse

Ok ppl, who wants a new Touch Chapter? Let's make a contest. Here I'm posting 3 Franz Ferdinand 's songs in acoustic version. The first song is called Auf Achse , the second one is Cheating on you , the third one is Take me Out. If you post a comment explaing me what is Auf Asche you will get lastest Touch c244 . Franz Ferdinand: 1) Auf Asche :::: 2) Cheating on You Franz Ferdinand - Take me Out Remember typing your email with The answer. Tnx Millo for the Correctio n, The word is not Asche, but Achse. I misstyped it. (Btw, the Link is in the word "The") in the last sentence

“EVANGELION: 1.01 You Are (Not) Alone – Special Equipment Edition” arrasador estreno en Japón

I ncreíble ha sido el éxito del nuevo lanzamiento de Gainax con su nuevo título en DVD, ya que a menos de una semana de la salida al mercado (desde el 25 de abril) ya ha alcanzado la cifra récord de 220.000 copias vendidas, postulándose como el más codiciado del año en Japón, y muy cerca de superar en cuestión de horas al más vendedor de todo 2007: “ Tales from Earthsea” de Goro Miyazaki (Estudio Ghibli), película que alcanzó los 242.000 DVD’s comprados a lo largo del año pasado. Este paquete especial de lujo, consta de 2 discos: el primero con la película y trailers, y un segundo de extras como “Explanation of Evangelion: 1.01” (comentarios sobre las escenas) y el Making Of “Rebuild of Evangelion: 1.01”. Este estreno se antepone al lanzamiento de la versión sencilla, próxima a distribuirse el 21 de mayo. Tomado de la revista Kanzen, edicion via mail, 05·2008

Touch c243

Dear Leechers, here, the lastest Touch chapter has been released. Gotta study so bye! Y para candy , el final está cerca, deja de preguntar esas cosas! Mala niña! Mala leecher!

Can't Help It

Damn, I hope this helps to get this sound out of my mind. In fact, It's a little.... I don't know.... Tegan & Sara - Back in your Head Build a wall of books between us in our bed Repeat, repeat, the words that I know we both have said Relax into the need, we get so comfortable Remember when I was so strange and likeable? I just want back in your head I just want back in your head I'm not unfaithful but I'll stray When I get a little scared When I get a little scared When I get a little... When I jerk away from holding hands with you, I know these habits hurt important parts of you Remember when I was sweet and unexplainable? Nothing like this person, un-loveable I just want back in your head I just want back in your head I'm not unfaithful but I'll stray When I get a little scared When I get a little scared When I get a little scared When I get a little... I run, run, run run, run, run I just want back in your head I just want back in your head I'm not ...